扩大内需 Expansion of domestic demand
落实科学发展观 Applying the Scientific Outlook on Development
甲型H1N1流感 H1N1 flu
海上阅兵 navy parade,the PLA fleet review
新中国成立60周年 The 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China
“5.12”地震一周年 The One-year anniversary of Wenchuan Earthquake
纪念五四运动90周年 the 90th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement
旅游消费券 travel vouchers
上网本 Netbook
3G手机 3G cellphone
3G牌照发放 China’s issue of 3G licenses
繁简之争 The controversy on whether to restore the unsimplified traditional Chinese characters
金砖四国 The Four Gold-Brick Countries(China,Russia,India and Brazil),
地球一小时 Earth Hour ——a global event asking households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change
朝鲜发射卫星 The ROK rocket/satellite launch
奥巴马就职 Obama’s inauguration
(英国)骗补门 The scandal over lawmakers’ expenses
金融危机 financial crisis
经济刺激计划 the US stimulation package
通用破产 The bankruptcy of General Motors
伦敦金融峰会 G20 summit in London
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