由bear 的联想,谈英文里面深刻的心
(text) The election was due soon, and with this in mind we decided to step up our publicity.
[The election was due soon] = this
[we decided to step up our publicity] = it
[with this in mind] rephrased this way : we must bear in mind [it to be with this / to be in the presence of this / to be concerning this]
我们必须把母体为this 的it 这样的关系铭记于心。----强制来讲= because of this
但是 若把with this in mind 直接翻译,或当成{因为}来看,则跟洋人内心的琢磨的意思有大大的距离,也就是说洋人的语言世界对中国人来说那根本就是外星人的世界,所以,你翻译或理解的英文跟中文的语言世界是合一的话,那显然不是英文了。因为,洋人的语言思维从来没有跟中文的语言思维合一过,没有过一句话是合一的。
[involving as]的心:
It shows / has quality of importance, involving as it does A.
Rephrased this way---- As it needed for A / as it is necessary for the existence /success of A, [it has quality of importance] that is involved.
[text] We must bear in mind these lessons paid for with blood.
[these lessons paid for with blood] rephrased this way:
Return these lessons for blood / these lessons in return for blood, and these lessons are filled with blood.
(因blood而换来这些教训,而教训的内容也是blood = these lessons concerning blood, and these lessons containing /on the subject of blood = blood位居两种相反的逻辑位阶,教训的肇因是它,用for表肇因;教训落实也在它,用with表落实处)
此处的with 的用法,国人无从理解,它是语言逻辑的下位,但总是被理解为上位逻辑的用法,误会看成是by means of
举例 Bad in return for good.
= Return bad for good. ----With the purpose or intention of good, have bad as a return.
= Return good with bad. --- To good makes a return which is filled with bad.
bear in mind------bear an attitude or feeling (= having as an opinion) about / towards someone in mind
------She doesn't bear a grudge against them in mind.-----东方人应该有的全方位认知。
She doesn't bear a grudge. or She doesn't bear them a grudge. ----母语者无法忍受全方位的表达,必须做ellipsis才能在语言文化上有交代,因为要西方人把你知我知的事都给说出来那是无法忍受的语言文化。但是白话文正好相反。所以中国人必须做全方位的认知。因为我们自己没有ellipsis的文化。
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